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Dear NATE, My name is Alex Lofton, and I'm the Field Director for the Obama campaign in Georgia.
I want to thank you for everything you've done so far to build our movement. Supporters like you answered the call for change in all 50 states and helped secure the Democratic nomination for Barack Obama.
Georgia will play a crucial role in our general election strategy. We have a great opportunity to succeed here, so we're rapidly gearing up for the months ahead.
But only you can make this happen.
This Independence Day weekend, Obama supporters are coming together to help bring even more people into our political process by attending voter registration drives, walking in parades, volunteering at festivals, meeting up at family reunions, and reaching out to folks in our communities.
Sign up to attend a July 4th weekend Vote for Change event in your community:
The election will be here before we know it, and we cannot afford to wait to get started.
In fact, our work on the ground is already underway. Right now, Obama supporters are gathering weekly to help in voter registration events across the state.
And in the coming weeks, volunteers across Georgia will make important contact with friends, family, and neighbors to spread the word about this campaign.
Our campaign has proven the power of grassroots organizing. Now it's up to you to continue building this movement.
Attend a July 4th weekend Vote for Change event near you:
I look forward to working alongside you in the weeks to come.
Alex Lofton
Georgia Field Director
Obama for America
P.S. -- Can't make it to a Vote for Change event this Independence Day weekend? There will be plenty of opportunities to get involved as the campaign grows. Sign up now and learn how you can make a difference in Georgia:
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