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Monday, June 16, 2008

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Single of the Week
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Apple iTunes

Apple iTunes

Apple iTunes

Apple iTunes

Apple iTunes Will Ferrell stars in Semi-Pro, an outrageous comedy set in 1976 against the backdrop of the maverick ABA, a fast-paced, wild and crazy basketball league that rivaled the NBA and made a name for itself with innovations like the three-point shot and slam dunk contest. Ferrell plays Jackie Moon, a one-hit wonder who used the profits from the success of his chart-topping song "Love Me Sexy" to achieve his dream of owning a basketball team. Encourage your customers to rent ($3.99) or buy ($14.99) Semi-Pro on iTunes today!

Apple iTunesMy Morning Jacket represent an interesting piece of rock terrain for 2008. Their influences are clearly retro, found in the '60s pop of Jimmy Webb and Glen Campbell ("Librarian"), the '70s AM soft-rock vibe of "Thank You, Too," the southern rock full guitar and harmony attack of "I'm Amazed," the nod to the Raspberries with "Two Halves," and the nearly out of context falsetto, mock disco accents of the title track and "Highly Suspicious," where singer Jim James sounds a bit like Beck imitating Prince. Their newest album Evil Urges is now available on iTunes for only $9.99. or

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